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Jake is this local cutie. Super nice, everyone loves him. He and Cutler have known each other for a long time and talked about fucking on CutlersDen since it started up but .... ITS TIME. Now. Spread your furry muscle ass Jake cause Cutler is gonna fuck you good!

Featuring: Cutler X , Jake Nicola


Needing More (3 years ago)

We need MORE videos of Jake Nicola. How are there not more??? Dude is SEXY AF!!!

Delmore (3 years ago)

The hotttees guy in the world we need to see him again

john (3 years ago)

good hot scene.

Passionate (3 years ago)

Wow! Jake yields to CutlerX's encouragement: "get it to open for me" "you got this," and deep power fuck "just take it," with moaning, screams, and submission "I'm yours Daddy" DAAMMMNNN

PassionSEA (2 years ago)

One of my all-time favorites. So beautiful when Culter kisses Jake's hand just before their first penetration. The moaning and back and forth verbal is so HOT.

faramir (1 year ago)

The part around 15:00 when Jake fears the next hit can make me instantly cum.

faramir (10 months ago)

Fuck. Dude is terrified

QuebecTank (8 months ago)

Brilliant. I love the sounds Jake made.

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